December 30, 2010

peculiarbliss magazine

issue #4 of PeculiarBliss magazine is out, featuring the work of several amazing artists, including Vaughn Fender, Abe Honest, Jessica Gill, Kelly Knaga, and myself! the magazine is available for download here.

the cover artwork was done by the very talented Sandra Dieckmann, who has a way with animals that is to be envied. yay, Sandra!

December 29, 2010

Pikaland giveaway: winner & portrait

cerena-leigh, born under a lucky star, was the winner of my Pikaland giveaway. she won a custom ink portrait and requested owls and filigree to adorn her face:

i know i've been a bit absent lately with the holiday. we've received a sea of snow over here so i've been busy pretending i'm a snow dragon, white fire, etc. as you can imagine, that takes up quite a bit of time but i'll be back with a slew of new posts soon. 

stay warm! all of you.

December 22, 2010

q&a: on life

donkeyjote asked: what do you do when it seems that all of life's possible truths end in paradox? (it's not 'take another hit', i tried that already)

a. accept it.
b. build a labyrinth in your backyard and spend your days drinking/practicing magick.


I LIKE BIRDS, an exhibition curated by one of my favorite humans, Jill Wickenheisser, opened last Friday in Newark, NJ. on display? seriously amazing work by ten (DC Smith, Marshall Okin, Joe Waks, Dennis Dalelio, Eric Beckerich, Kelly Heck, Jacqueline Cruz, Troy Barrett, VanOs) wonderful avian-inspired artists, including photography, paintings, and a sculpted bird that i wanted to name totoro (or martin) and fly away with.

here is one of the pieces i created for the show:

nobody knows you the way you know you

the words are by Passion Pit, a local band i'm quite proud of (and biased towards). if you are in the tri-state area, you can check out the show until February 1st at:

Art Kitchen
61 Halsey St.
Newark, NJ 01702.


December 8, 2010

we were together: women's shirt!

the women's version of my shirt just came in and i couldn't be more pleased! these are American Apparel Fine Jersey short sleeve tees in heather gray and fit like a cozy little second skin. super soft. yay!

now available at! a perfect addition to your holiday shopping. 

December 5, 2010

we were together: print & shirt!

i've been collaborating with apparel company m28 designs, and my design for their Winter 2010 line is finally here!

we were together

the shirts are really lovely- printed on American Apparel Fine Jersey V-Necks so they're super soft and comfy. get yours here before they disappear!

prints and ipod cases available on my society6 & soon on my etsy

warmth & wishes,

December 2, 2010 feature

i was lucky enough to be interviewed by Gia (the sweetest lady ever!) over at for a feature on their site:

you can view the entire story here. thank you Gia for the wonderful feature!


Pikaland giveaway!

i'm offering a custom ink portrait to the winner of Pikaland's giveaway!

click here for your chance to win- you have until 12/7 to enter! good luck my birdies.
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