December 27, 2009

the woodcutters

cover art for The Woodcutters’ upcoming release, Armed to the Teeth.

December 25, 2009

daughter of the sea

i’ve been spending my time consuming (chocolate, cheese, mayonnaise) and working on album art for Daughter of the Sea. 

November 25, 2009


today is cold and the atmosphere hangs heavy like honey. it is not wet but the weatherman’s promise of rain seems sincere.  here are some wonderful Neruda-inspired birds to lighten the day. ..

October 26, 2009

all hope is eventually thwarted by nature.

October 24, 2009

simplify, simplify

commissioned portrait of Henry David Thoreau.

October 21, 2009

small amounts of panic

-attempting to make a left turn into the right lane of a congested highway
-initial admittance of faithlessness
-being undressed when the doorbell rings
-beginning the final chapter of an interesting read

October 1, 2009

how to feel sinister

forage for peace in upstate Pennsylvania while listening to Fever Ray.

September 20, 2009

currently covered in

1. Artists’ heavy body acrylic colour
2. A feeling of overwhelming desire
3. The anticipation of semisweet victory
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